Fifty: Top 5 Books Set Before 1950


the_book_thief_by_markus_zusak_book_cover1. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak: Did you really have to ask?




77288892. The Diviners by Libba Bray: This is another one of my favorites. It’s set in 1920 New York and it’s just amazing. If you haven’t read it you should most definitely check it out.



legacy-of-kings3. Legacy of Kings by Eleanor Herman: This is an amazing book with a unique time frame. It’s set during the reign of Alexander the Great, which I love and is a really interesting concept. I love this book but haven’t gotten around to the sequel yet, but don’t you worry I’ll be on it.



infernal-devices-covers14. The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare: Again, no real explanation necessary. This series is set in 1875 and is so phenomenal. Go read it.



271906135. And I Darken by Kiersten Gier: This book is, again, set in a very unusual time: 1430. I love this book, its so unique and beautifully crafted.




That was another Fifty! What are your favorite books set before 1950?

4 thoughts on “Fifty: Top 5 Books Set Before 1950

  1. Christina Madeleine says:

    The Book Thief is one of my favorite books in the whole entire world! Also, I am considering reading The Infernal Devices but I haven’t gotten around to it. Can’t wait to read more of your posts.

    Christina Madeleine /


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